All about breast cancer in men

Breast cancer is a disease in which breast cells multiply in an uncontrolled manner. It is the most frequent tumor in women. According to the estimate of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), 34,000 cases will be diagnosed in Spain in 2022. However, not all of them will be female. Breast cancer in men also exists. Do you want to know more about it?

Discovering breast cancer in men

Breast cancer in women is undoubtedly much more frequent, but it is not an exclusively female problem. In the United States, the number of male cases is less than 1% of the total. However, men who suffer from this problem are faced with a complicated disease that requires a prompt and accurate response. Although in small numbers, men also have breast tissue that can be affected by this type of cancer. During puberty, while female development stimulates the growth of this tissue, in men it is restricted. This is why their size is smaller.

Male risk of breast cancer

Regarding male breast cancer cases, it is most commonly a ductal carcinoma in situ. It usually starts in the milk ducts. Estimates put the mortality rate for this cancer in the male population at around 20%. The risk of suffering it in men is one per thousand, far from the female average of one per eight women. Do you know what the main problem is? The particular characteristics of these tumors and a certain general lack of information lead to late detection of the problem. Almost always, its existence is identified at a later stage in women’s cases. As the treatment of breast cancer is simpler and more effective the earlier it starts, beating the disease becomes more complicated. Men’s lack of knowledge about this possible disease prevents them from paying due attention to the condition of their breasts. Early diagnosis is therefore practically non-existent. In fact, there is hardly any difference in the resolution of cases, depending on gender, if action is taken at the same stage. Do you understand what this means? Raising awareness of the problem will help save lives. In addition, research efforts and scientific work are more focused on female cases. This trend is changing, but there are still large differences. Finally, another critical aspect is the demoralization that affected males often suffer. Few know patients like them, most of them did not even know of the existence of this disease. They feel bewildered, frightened and, in a way, stigmatized individually and socially.

Types of breast cancer

There are no major differences between the types of breast tumors between women and men. Three main types can be found in both sexes:

  • Dual infiltrating carcinoma. It originates in the ducts, most frequently, before multiplying. It can lead to metastasis.
  • Infiltrating lobular carcinoma. The difference with the previous one is that it arises in the lobules.
  • Ductal carcinoma in situ. It is a breast disease susceptible to develop into cancer. The cancerous cells are located only in the covering of the ducts.

Symptoms, risk factors and treatment

Be aware of it: it is important to maintain a vigilant attitude to identify this potential risk. Consequently, you should be very aware of these symptoms:

  • Breast swellings or lumps.
  • Reddened or scaly skin on the breast.
  • Irritations and skin subsidence.
  • Discharge from the nipple, as well as nipple soreness or engorgement.

What risk factors exist

Age is one of the main factors: the majority of cases develop after the age of 50. In addition, the existence of diagnoses in men in the same family is another warning indicator. The truth is that certain genetic mutations increase the risk of suffering from it, and most of them are hereditary. Overweight and obesity are also risk characteristics. On the other hand, there are external influences, such as the application of pectoral radiotherapy or hormonal treatments with estrogen. Cirrhosis, certain testicular conditions and the so-called Klinefelter’s syndrome complete this group of dangerous circumstances.

How male breast cancer is treated

There are no major differences in treatment depending on gender. As we have indicated, early detection is essential. Once the tumor has been identified, depending on its size and extension, one or more of these alternatives must be applied:

  • Surgery.
  • Radiotherapy.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Hormone therapy.
  • Targeted therapy.

At Phytogen Medical Foods we have developed Olimina 3, a compound made up of natural products that helps to alleviate some of the pain caused by this cancer. It is a valuable support that, in any case, acts in parallel with the recommended medical treatments, essential to face the disease. At this point, the conclusion is clear: breast cancer in men is a problem that you should contemplate. Incorporate into your routine check-ups and self-recognition to prevent and detect its appearance!


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